Miss Manjana-WI by His Highness/Münchhausen passed her saddle grading and was selected to the main studbook, thereby giving her the grading classification RDH. As an extra bonus, she was invited for the Elite Mare Show and awarded a silver medal later that year.For instance, RDH means a mare graded to the main studbook and who has obtained an R through passing a riding test, or competing on at least medium level in either dressage or jumping, or because one or more of her offspring has excelled at advanced level in the sport. The rules for applying and obtaining an R is listed in the below application form.
ROR means a supplemntary register mare who has obtained R for her own or her offspring's riding results.
EGRDH is eventually the highest obtainable grading clasdification, telling that this is a gold medal main studbook mare with a passed riding test, and who has then produced offspring with so much quality in studbook gradings and in the sport, that she was later given the E for Elite mare.

Legendary Matiné ridden by Andreas Helgstrand, took the hearts of the whole of the dressage world in Aachen 2006. Matiné was ROR-F2, in the supplementary register because of lacking pedigree.Mares:
FOR (F1 - F2 - F3) = Supplementary register (pedigree not fully approved)
DR = Preliminary register (pedigree fully approved + total impression of 5)
DS = Studbook (pedigree fully approved + total impression of 6 or 7)
DH = Main studbook (pedigree fully approved + total impression of 8, 9 or
R+(RDH, RDS, ROR) = Proven riding test
G/S/B+(GRDH, SRDH, BRDH) = Gold-, silver- and bronzemedal at the Elite Mare Show
E+(ERDH, EDS) = Elite studbook mare - see more about Elite mares by navigating in the menu on your left.
DVH = Stallion approved for breeding
DVE = Elite studbook stallion
DH = the earliest graded stallions in the society had DH + a number as their grading classification.